Symantec 14.x Client on macOS Catalina
I ran across an issue with macOS Catalina this week where a fresh install resulted in a version of macOS where our initial Symantec 14.2.x installer would not function; trying to run it just resulted in a "cannot be opened" message. Now, this wasn't your typical Settings --> Security --> Open Anyway type of fix and I have a feeling it is related to some 32-bit code still present there.
As a side note, I knew that this version of Symantec worked on Catalina as I have upgraded several with it already installed and things function normally. So, I found this workaround to do a fresh install on a Catalina based system.
As a side note, I knew that this version of Symantec worked on Catalina as I have upgraded several with it already installed and things function normally. So, I found this workaround to do a fresh install on a Catalina based system.
- Download and extract your Symantec Installer from the .zip file
- Open a terminal and cd to the location of the extracted Symantec installer
- cd /Users/user_name/Downloads/Symantec\ Endpoint\ Protection
- Now is where the fun begins if you have never played with macOS installer packages
- cd Symantec\ Endpoint\ Protection\
- Yes, it is just a folder when accessed from the terminal
- cd Contents\MacOS\
- chmod 764 Symantec\ Endpoint\ Protection\ Installer
- Change permissions so you can execute the script
- ./Symantec\ Endpoint\ Protection\ Installer
- Launch said script