Patch Tuesday 3/12/2103

     Another important Patch Tuesday Eve is upon us.  This month, Microsoft will be rolling out 7 core patches; 4 rated critical and 3 rated important.  While more information can be found here I will summarize  by saying that any users of Windows, Internet Explorer, Silverlight, or MS Office should be ready to apply these updates.
     With Microsoft's definition of Critical being anything that could lead to the propagation of an internet worm, one has to be aware anytime a core part of the OS is patched as such.  Add to that the fact that two patches (one for MS Exchange Server) are for vulnerabilities that have already been disclosed to the public and you will soon see what we, the security conscious SysAdmins, will be doing the next couple of days.
     +Wes Milliron , Sharepoint 2010 is also being patched with one Critical and one Important update.  Happy capstoning.


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