Integration Services Version Mismatch

If you have ever been perusing your Hyper-V server logs and seen an error similar to, "Networking driver on 'virtualservername' loaded but has a different version from the server." I have the fix for you.  The cause is a mismatch between the Integration Services drivers installed on the VM and the version being used by the Hyper-V host.  Steps to correct are as follows:

1.) Schedule downtime for the VM :-)
2.) Open Hyper-V Manager on the Hyper-V host
3.) Open the VM in question
4.) Choose Action --> Insert Integration Services Setup Disk
5.) Within the VM go to My Computer --> CD/DVD drive and run the installer
6.) You will have to reboot for the new version of the drivers to kick-in, per se; hence the downtime 


Tator said…
Just as an addendum to this tip, if you want to see the version of Integration services being run by the server vs. the client do:

On Server: Look at the following registry key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\GuestInstaller\Version\
***There will, most likely, be several entries under this key; just look at the version information for them.

On the client: Look in
Mouse over the above file and look at the version; if they don't match up then you need to upgrade.

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